PHOTO: Tony Lopez
Surprise! TikTok stars may not be as perfect as they seem. Tony Lopez, best known for asking a 15-year-old for nudes, might have an even bigger problem on his hands. Dentist Mark Silverstein told SPEOPLE that the first time he saw Lopez on TikTok, he knew there was an issue.
“Well, at first I thought the issue was just his douchey personality. But then he began biting his lip and I realized that the kid had a huge fucking overbite,” said Silverstein.
He had commented on the video, saying “You need braces, bruh.” On another video, he wrote, “I’m a certified Doctor of Dental Studies and an orthodontist, please give my office a call.” Lopez, however, declined to do so.
But some fans have gone overboard, some even getting reconstructive surgery to give themselves overbites to replicate Lopez’s signature look.
“I’ve never felt more beautiful,” said 13-year-old Savannah Hamilton. “My entire life I’ve felt so self-conscious because I could never get my teeth past my lips. It was so embarrassing. But now my teeth practically hang out of my mouth, and I have the biggest lip-bite out of every girl in my grade. Oh, and also massive jaw pain.”
“This is a huge mistake,” says Silverstein. “He’s teaching children that biting your lip like that is sexy. But there’s nothing sexy about a debilitating deformity that will affect him for the rest of his life. And, from a purely aesthetic standpoint, he’s just swallowing his entire bottom lip. Where’s the intrigue? Where’s the seduction?”
Silverstein tells parents to be proactive. 13-year-old Jessica Smith’s parents have already bought her head-gear, while 14-year-old Jason Hartfield’s parents say that they only allow him to watch historical POV TikToks.